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Our Services

 Defending Your Rights, Defeating the Odds

 John West Co. is  a trusted leading attorney in Cleaveland, OH.

Empowering Your Rights

Your Trusted Ally in Legal Matters

At John West Co.  we pride ourselves on providing experience you can trust and service you can count on. With a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of success, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to delivering exceptional results for our clients. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can rest assured that your legal matters are in capable hands. We prioritize open communication, personalized attention, and unwavering support, ensuring that your needs and best interests are at the forefront of everything we do. Trust us to be your reliable partner on your journey to achieving the best possible outcome for your case.


Why Choose Us

Committed to Exceptional Client Care

John West Co. is driven by a profound understanding of the physical, emotional, and financial hardships that accompany personal injuries. Our unwavering commitment lies in providing compassionate and devoted legal representation to our clients. With a wealth of experience in advocating for clients and securing the highest possible compensation for their injuries, John West Co. has earned a stellar reputation for our expertise and outstanding outcomes.

Emphasizing open communication, transparency, and personalized attention, we ensure clients remain well-informed and supported throughout the entire process. John West Co. tirelessly fights to safeguard our clients' rights. During these challenging times, clients can place their trust in John West Co. as a steadfast advocate by their side.

✔ㅤExpert Legal Services

✔ㅤLawyer With Experiences

✔ㅤQuality Representation

✔ㅤAffordable Pricing


About Us

John H. West

41+ Years of Experience in Law Firm          & Attorney Service

With over 41 years of experience in law firm and attorney services, our team has garnered invaluable insights and a proven track record of success. Throughout the years, we have navigated diverse legal challenges with precision and dedication, securing favorable outcomes for numerous clients. Trust in our seasoned approach and expertise as we continue to deliver exceptional results for your legal needs.

We Fight For Justice

Rest assured, we tirelessly champion your rights and uphold justice on your behalf.

Professional Lawyer

Reliable and professional lawyer, ensuring expert representation for your legal needs.

Practice areas

We Offer a Broad Range of Law Services

Comprehensive legal solutions tailored to meet your unique needs.


Criminal Law

Vigorous defense and expert counsel for individuals facing legal challenges, safeguarding rights and pursuing justice in the face of criminal accusations.


Business & Corporate Law

From formation and contracts to compliance and dispute resolution, we ensure corporate success and protection.


Family Law

Compassionate advocacy and legal support for all aspects of family matters, including divorce, child custody, adoption, and child support.


Estate & Probate Law

Ensuring smooth transitions and preserving legacies through expert guidance in wills, trusts, and inheritance matters.


Personal Injury & Litigation Law

Skilled representation and unwavering advocacy in court, seeking justice and rightful compensation for those injured due to negligence or wrongdoing.


Real Estate Law

Comprehensive legal support and expertise in property transactions, contracts, zoning, and land disputes, ensuring a smooth and secure real estate journey.


CCW & Second Amendment Law

Expert counsel and unwavering advocacy for safeguarding and navigating firearm rights, including concealed carry permits and firearm regulations.


Juvenile Law

Compassionate legal support and specialized guidance for minors involved in the justice system, ensuring their rights and best interests are protected.

You Can Always Rely on John West Co.

Count on John West Co. for unwavering support, expertise, and compassionate representation. Trust our dedicated team to fight tirelessly for your rights and deliver effective solutions in any legal matter. With open communication and personalized attention, we're here for you every step of the way.


Guided by Compassion

We Are Ready to Help You to Get a Solution

We stand prepared and eager to assist you in finding the best possible solution to your legal needs. Our dedicated team is committed to understanding your unique circumstances and providing expert guidance and support every step of the way. With a focus on personalized attention and diligent advocacy, we are ready to navigate the complexities of your case, striving to achieve a favorable outcome that upholds your rights and secures your peace of mind. Trust us to be your steadfast ally throughout this journey, as we work together to find the optimal resolution for your legal matters.


Championing Justice

We’re Not Just Lawyers, We’re Advocates for Justice

At John West Co., we take immense pride in being more than just lawyers we are dedicated advocates for justice. Our commitment extends beyond legal expertise; it involves passionately fighting for our clients' rights and ensuring they receive the justice they deserve. With a deep understanding of the impact legal matters can have on individuals and families, we approach each case with empathy and determination. Our unwavering advocacy empowers us to tackle even the most challenging cases and seek the best possible outcomes for those we represent. We stand by our clients, providing unwavering support and guidance throughout their legal journey.

At John West Co., we are not just lawyers; we are your devoted allies, tirelessly working to uphold justice and protect your interests.

lady justice
Gain a Comprehensive Understanding of Your Case

We fully grasp the urgency and significance of your personal injury case. That's why we offer convenient and prompt appointments, enabling us to initiate your case right away. By scheduling an appointment today, you can take the critical first step toward resolving your legal matters. During your consultation, we will attentively listen to your narrative, thoroughly evaluate the specifics of your case, and offer expert guidance and advice. With a commitment to open and transparent communication, we ensure you are well-informed about your legal options and the optimal path forward. Trust us to advocate passionately for your rights and pursue the justice you deserve.



Experience You Can Trust, Service You Can Count

At John West Co.  we pride ourselves on providing experience you can trust and service you can count on. With a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of success, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to delivering exceptional results for our clients. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can rest assured that your legal matters are in capable hands. We prioritize open communication, personalized attention, and unwavering support, ensuring that your needs and best interests are at the forefront of everything we do.

Trust us to be your reliable partner on your journey to achieving the best possible outcome for your case.


Why Choose John West Co. ?

When it comes to gun legislation choosing John West Co. is the best decision you can make. John West Co. is a highly skilled law firm and attorney with extensive expertise in gun legislation matters. Our profound knowledge of gun legislation ensures we can navigate the complexities of your case effectively. We successfully handled numerous gun legislation cases, protecting our clients' interests.


Rest assured that with John West Co., your gun legislation case will be in the hands of a dedicated and trusted legal advocate.


Frequently Asked Questions

See some common questions and answers below.

  • What types of cases does John West Co. handle?

    John West Co. is a versatile law firm and attorney, equipped to handle a wide range of cases. With a wealth of experience and expertise, we excel in personal injury matters, advocating for our clients' rights and securing the compensation they deserve. Our proficiency extends to areas such as probate law, where we navigate the complexities of estate matters with care and efficiency. Additionally, we are well-versed in handling litigation cases, providing strong advocacy and strategic solutions. From business and corporate law to family law, real estate, and even gun legislation, John West Co. covers a diverse spectrum of legal needs. With a compassionate and client-centered approach, we tailor our services to fit each unique case, ensuring the best possible outcomes for those we represent.

  • Who is John H. West?

    John H. West, Attorney at Law, is not just driven by legal expertise, but by a genuine passion for helping people. With over 41 years of experience and a background in defense and plaintiff representation, Mr. West possesses a unique perspective that allows him to navigate cases strategically and effectively.

    Beyond providing sound legal advice, he takes the time to understand his clients' needs and concerns, supporting them emotionally as well as legally throughout their legal journey. Alongside his exceptional staff and state-of-the-art technology, Mr. West prioritizes putting his clients' interests first in everything he does. Whether you require assistance in a personal injury, family law, or gun legislation case, you can rely on John H. West, Attorney at Law, to provide compassionate counsel and strong representation.

    Contact our Cleveland law firm today; we eagerly await the opportunity to assist you in finding the best legal and practical solutions for your situation.

  • How can I contact your office?

    Our law firm is conveniently located at 6650 Pearl Rd #202, Cleveland, OH 44130. Feel free to visit us at this location for any legal inquiries or assistance you may need. 

    For any inquiries or assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at 440-884-4844, or 440-829-4656, or 440-829-4658.  You can also contact us via email at or fill out our convenient contact form. Our team looks forward to serving you with dedication and expertise.


Contact US

Get In Touch

To work with an attorney focused on helping you achieve your goals, call us now or send us an email. We promise to return your call promptly.


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